Simple Dis rete Time Models for Performan e Parameters ofMultiplexer with Homogeneous ON - OFF Sour es
The paper addresses the analysis of a single multiplexing node in ATM networks. It presents analyti al models for evaluating the performan e parameters of a multiplexer that has N identi al ON-OFF type input sour es and an output hannel with nite bu er. The hannel speed is assumed to be an integer times of the sour e speed in ON state. A two dimensional Dis rete Time Markov Chain is introdu ed where the two dimensions des ribe the number of ON sour es and the number of ells in the nite bu er at a given time. Two time s ales are de ned in order to ensure a urate results in al ulating the performan e parameters, e.g. ell loss and ell delay. Three alternative models of the ell arrival pro ess are dis ussed and the performan e parameters are derived.
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